Sunday, 29 March 2020

Is lockdown showing us the 'real' influencers?

It's a Sunday afternoon as I'm writing this and - just the same as most Sunday's - I'm sat all cosy at home, scrolling through some of my favourite bloggers weekly content. Not much seems to have changed, except it has. In the past week, so many of us have lost our jobs, connections to our friends and family and our freedom to go outside. It is a scary and alien feeling, living under government restrictions to protect ourselves and our loved ones from an invisible virus that is sweeping world and to be absolutely honest, it all still feels a bit like I am stuck inside a movie, but the first 20 minutes before all the bad stuff starts to happen..

To keep my brain off all the doom and gloom I've been writing down lots of positives that are coming out of this and one thing that I am starting to realise is becoming really important is sense of community. I live in a suburban village so everyone has pulled together there and we are seeing lots more smily faces and people helping each other - but I also think this can be applied to the blogging community too.

 Now that everyone is shut in lockdown we are all in the same position and I think there has been a bit of uncertainty whether bloggers and influencers should carry on with a 'business as usual' attitude or would be insensitive and inappropriate considering everything going on in the world. If you are anything like me, being stuck indoors for 23 hours a day has obviously meant an increase in screen time and with the rest of the world being flipped on it's head, being able to go to an app with an online community still posting, engaging and supporting each other has been a source of comfort. 

However, I think what this time has done, is forced bloggers to rethink how we work, we can no longer go to our favourite streets to shoot, get photos in that fancy restaurant and you feel a little silly putting a dress and heels on to take a photo in your lounge. In a way, the playing field has been levelled, everyone is in the same boat and has to create content from within four walls. And I think that what is growing out of this is that we are being forced to show more of our authentic selves - I have seen more 'no makeup' selfies in the past week than I ever have, people taking the time to showcase talents that they have never put online before such as singing, dancing, baking, yoga or painting, and lots more stories spending time with family and letting loose and being a bit more silly. We are starting to see less of the curated, filtered world and more of what is really important when it boils down to it. I am loving getting to know more about some of my favourite bloggers personalities, hobbies and lives and I think this could be a really positive thing the start of breaking down the world of 'perfect' Instagram. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

Happy Sunday and hope you all stay positive and healthy amongst the madness!

© Tara-Jade
Maira Gall