Thursday, 12 April 2018

Mini Festival Lookbook

Although it may not seem like it with our LOVELY grey and drizzly English weather still in full swing, but festival season is actually kicking off this week with all the buzz around Coachella. For my wardrobe this means one thing. All the colour. All the pattern. All the crazy trousers. So with Boux Avenue challenging their Student Ambassadors to come up with some creative festival inspired looks, I put my best crazy trouser-adorned foot forward and pulled together a couple of looks for you. Hope you enjoy!

Tara-Jade x

Outfit details:

Bralet: Boux Avenue
Jacket: In The Style
Trousers: Pretty Little Thing (Last years sorry!)
Trainers: Ego shoes

Outfit details:

Bralet: Boux Avenue
Cropped top: Pretty Little Thing
Trousers: Pretty Little Thing - (I would recommend going a size down in these girls!)
Necklaces: Chained and Able
                 Chained and Able

© Tara-Jade
Maira Gall