After a pretty hectic year, and in the midst of the annual 'New Years Resolutions' making, where we all tend to sum up where our year went wrong and what we want to change for next year, I thought I would just take the time to remind myself of what went RIGHT this year, because you know what, I kicked 2017's ass. Of course there are things I would have liked to have done better, kept up going to the gym, saved more money blah blah blah but I had a great time this year, had so many great experiences and spent some amazing times with my friends and family. I am ending 2017 in such a great place and excited to see what challenges 2018 brings so I can kick their ass too.
So anyway, here it is, my 2017:
Met and worked with some great people:
Designed and realised my first show
Lost my best friend for 6 months to Cyprus
Made it to 21!
Became a Boux Ambassador and met tons of lovely ladies
Spent summer with my favourite people
Mmillion launch party meeting more lovely blogger girls
Corfu with my favourite person
Pretended to be a bride for a day with my sister
Then watched my mum be an actual bride
Worked down in Cornwall and started work on Sweeney, all the way to launch night, my second realised show!
Celebrated Tazi getting into uni
Dressed up as some silly things
Made some things
Made some Christmas themed things
And finally spent Christmas with my amazing family
Sorry for the colossal post but I actually had the best time finding all my photos and reminding myself of what I have actually achieved this year. Instead of finishing 2017 punishing yourself for all things that you didn't get round to doing, lets start 2018 on a high and celebrate what we did do.
Now lets not all get inordinately drunk on New Years and piss it all up shall we??
Happy New Year!
Tara-Jade x